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The Psychotic Cult known as the Russian Orthodox Church

Kirill-Miss-Watch_2186482bOn April 9, 2013, two really amazing pronouncements were issued by the Russian Orthodox Church.

First, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, who oversees the Church’s public relations, told RIA Novosti that “even some scientists suggest that the sun and the entire universe rotate around Earth, not in a physical sense, but in a logical sense. According to Chaplin, this theory means that the world is created so that intelligent life inhabits space that is proportionally small compared to the size of the universe.”

Then, Patriarch Kirill himself denounced women’s rights to Interfax. He stated: “I find very dangerous this phenomenon, which is called feminism, because feminist organizations proclaim a pseudo-freedom of women that should in the first place be manifested outside marriage and outside the family. Man turns his sight outward, he should work, make money. While a woman is always focused inwards towards her children, her home. If this exceptionally important role of a woman is destroyed, everything will be destroyed as a consequence — family and, if you wish, the homeland.”

So women should not be allowed to work and, in some way at least, the sun revolves around the earth. Got that?

35 responses to “The Psychotic Cult known as the Russian Orthodox Church

  1. Minsky ⋅

    Kirill sports such a nice dress. it doesn’t become him to get his panties all tied in a knot over women’s workloads.

  2. Bohdan ⋅

    Krill is a useless product of the old old world where women were treated as slaves to the master i.e. the husband.

    He, Krill, has shown his ignorance of a changing world, and as a result belongs most admirably on the garbage dung heap of history.

    As for being a man of God? He doesn’t even believe in Him – as shown for his support of the greatest murdering dictatorship of recent Europe, Stalin’s and et al communism’s murderous leadership. He is stupid, but not that stupid as to admit that his ‘god’ is in fact Satan!!!

    The Russian Orthodox church and it’s hierarchy has a lot of explaining to do to it’s worshipers. As it is too busy keeping it’s followers in the dark and feeding them on ‘bullshit’ so that they literally can get with a life of splendor at the cost of the illiterate believers.

  3. Maria Los

    Right now the Russian Orthodox Church is a disgrace

    • MCCUSA ⋅

      Maria Los, russian orthodox church was always a disgrace a tool in the hands of tzars, bolsheviks, and, and now, russians. For God’s sake patriarch of russia cyryl is an active kbg operator. And all that crap about power russian orthodox church. which is UNDER CONTROL OF BARTOLOMEW 1ST OF CONSTANTINOPOLE.

  4. mingthemerciless ⋅

    Has there ever been a time it was not a shame to Christendom and a disgrace?

    Before sucking up to the bolsheviks, these buffoons where supporting the Tzarist slavery system, enriching themselves shamelessly while the Roman and Protestant churches were tending their flocks of poor and indigents…The Orthodox Church has always been a pale imitation of islam…an excuse for the tyrants’ worst excesses!

    • rutenburg

      By Catholic Churches “tending their flocks of poor and indigents” do you mean the cannibalism among the Crusaders, the raping and pillaging of Constantinople, or the Holy Roman Inquisition?

      • MCCUSA ⋅

        vladzio, vladzio, vladzio, russian orthdox church [it is more like a sect, really] calls itself ‘the third rome’; the appropriate name, of course, is the third karakorum’ – considering that russia is using christianity to conquer, russify and destroy other nations and culture. And the ‘spectacular’ results are being seen all over russia. Russian capital is not only 80% muslim it is also central asian…The russian army is not only 45% muslim it eats a dog food…By the way, is cyryl of russia planning a new KGB operation; the last one, as we all know, took place in Syria and Lebanon. Russian patriarch/kgb operative was arranging the transfer of russian Weapons of Mass Destruction from Syria and Lebanon, just before the civil war in Syria…Oh, and the ‘reconciliation’ mission of russian patriarch to Warsaw ended up in total humiliation..

        • Bohdan ⋅

          MCCUSA the real reason that “the ‘reconciliation’ mission of (the) russian patriarch to Warsaw ended up in total humiliation..” is because the Polish people are not sheep, of rotten burro’s caliber! They follow the Pope in the Vatican, and are a lot more honest then the “little brothers of the KGB” i.e. the Russian Orthodox Church.

          You only have to read the trash he spews out ad nauseam. And to top off the stupidity, he refers the readers to communist propaganda rags – where you will find anything EXCEPT THE TRUTH!

          Yes sir, one has to be a real simpleton to read and believe his fairy tale trash.

  5. mingthemerciless ⋅

    Rotten Booger, you nazi sound just like a sand monkey…let’s see:
    ” the cannibalism among the Crusaders, the raping and pillaging of Constantinople, or the Holy Roman Inquisition?”

    !- There was ONE incident of starving to death troops…about twenty victims…compare to the millions of Christians kidnapped on the coast of Europe by the Barbary pirates then raped, tortured and dismembered systematically during centuries.
    Compare to the hundred of millions of black slaves from Africa
    systematically exterminated by Arab slavers…

    2-Raping and pillaging of Byzantium?
    Byzantium or Constantinople utterly destroyed Italy, the whole north coast of africa and Egypt…they razed Persia and for his efforts, Belisarius was blinded by Justinian…Byzantium richly deserved to be sacked as they made the Arab conquest a cakewalk.

    3-The Inquisition? Quit the Proddie bullshit…the Inquisition burned six witches while the Protestants of Martin Luther burned over a million women alive!

  6. Abiathar ⋅

    I come from Great Britain and I am very glad that seven years I left the Moscow Patriarchate. Now I would never go to pray in their churches, and I regard their Patriarch Kirill and his Prelates with utter contempt. He almost never speaks about Jesus Christ or the gentleness of the Gospel – it is all about Russia, nationalist pride, greed, and stealing property and churches from other Orthodox Christians.

    • Bohdan ⋅

      Abiathar, glad to read that you ‘woke up’ and left the Moscow Patriarchate. But then what can be expected from this disciple of Satan.

      I remember reading KGB’s General Oleg Kalugin’s book, “Spymaster,” Wherein he explicitly devoted/wrote one chapter about the Russian orthodox church.

      The KGB calls them “LITTLE BROTHERS” as they are subversiant and do the bidding of their KGB masters. That chapter was a real eye opener and shows you that they in fact are an evil organization doing the bidding of their evil masters.

  7. Beetlejuice ⋅

    Not surprisingly, there’s no mention of the Holy Alliance formed a few month back by the Russian Orthodox Church, the Mullah of Iran, and the Vatican against Women’s Rights.

  8. Bohdan ⋅

    Your use of the words “Holly Alliance” for the Russian Orthodox Church, the Mullah of Iran, and the Vatican reminds me of the words used by that murderous and evil Lenin, namely that religion is the “opiate of the people!”

    • Beetlejuice ⋅

      You need more proof than that, shit-for-brains? You couldn’t see the light even if you glowed with Chernobyl residue.

      • Bohdan ⋅

        Lying again Beetle-urine, oops I mean still! If you want to see a real and genuine shit-for-brains, then have a good look in the mirror comrade!!!

        Aah yes Chernobyl, the catastrophe created by your beloved Communist murderer’s in Moscow. Strange comrade that there are no nuclear reactors in Russia itself.

        And as for proof you piece of fly shit, read some factual books. rather then that communist trash, you brain dead communist indoctrinated zombie .

        In the mean time. keep up the verbal diarrhea comrade, as at best you are simply pathetic.

        • Beetlejuice ⋅

          “Lying again Beetle-urine, oops I mean still! If you want to see a real and genuine shit-for-brains, then have a good look in the mirror comrade!!!”

          Read it for yourself, you radioactive turd. Don’t crack the mirror, it costed more than your life to make.

          “Aah yes Chernobyl, the catastrophe created by your beloved Communist murderer’s in Moscow.”

          Yes, it if it wasn’t for them you might actually have had a fraction of a brain.

          • Bohdan ⋅

            Bravo Beetlepiss! Your blatantly stupid comment “Yes, it if it wasn’t for them you might actually have had a fraction of a brain.” just cements the point of just how stupid you really are!!!

            Next you’ll be telling all of us sane humans, that ‘the sun rotates around the planet earth!!! Indeed bravo, and well done you stupid commo baboon. Do tell once more how great your murderous communists really are, so that all of the sane readers of this magic can have another laugh – at your expense of course.

            I know you cannot help it but. lying is a trade marks of all communists who in fact are the real ‘untermensch’ – i,e, dregs/scum – of society with their lying, oppressive, murderous and enslaving brutal dictatorship/s.

            Furthermore I can imagine the tears of rage that must well up in that pea brain of yours when LR prints these wonderful truths about your beloved communist regime of ‘fuehrer’ Putler.

            • Bohdan ⋅

              Apology for leaving out the word “blog” between the words “magic” and “can” near the end of the second sentence of the second paragraph.

            • Beetlejuice ⋅

              “Bravo Beetlepiss! Your blatantly stupid comment “Yes, it if it wasn’t for them you might actually have had a fraction of a brain.” just cements the point of just how stupid you really are!!!”

              Hardly. Large amounts of radiation will cause defects, in your case a brain that failed to develop.

              “Next you’ll be telling all of us sane humans, that ‘the sun rotates around the planet earth!!!”

              I thought that is what your religion teaches you, next to the existence of talking snakes, the world being 6000 years old, humans and dinosaurs coexisting. I’m a Laveyan Satanist, so that would hardly be my department.

              “I know you cannot help it but. lying is a trade marks of all communists who in fact are the real ‘untermensch’ – i,e, dregs/scum – of society with their lying, oppressive, murderous and enslaving brutal dictatorship/s.”

              I backed up what I said with an artical; but the fact that you can’t even attempt to dispute that withoutan 8-year-old level of insults demonstrates that you are a true untermensch. Ok, Chernobyl, so maybe its not your fault.

              “Furthermore I can imagine the tears of rage that must well up in that pea brain of yours when LR prints these wonderful truths about your beloved communist regime of ‘fuehrer’ Putler.”

              Tears from laughter. Looking at your posts, it is crystal clear who is suffering from tears of rage.

  9. mingthemerciless ⋅

    The most toxic poison being of course the Marxist-Leninist cult of the BeetleVomit…

    • Beetlejuice ⋅

      I disagree. In your case, ultimate stupidity.

      • Bohdan ⋅

        Of course you disagree Beetle -urine, as the truth always hurts.

        • Beetlejuice ⋅

          It must be tough living in constant pain.

          • Bohdan ⋅

            The only pain I get comrade Beetleurine is from arseholes like you!

            But believe me in cases like you I am a masochist, hahaha!!!

            • Beetlejuice ⋅

              Yeah, it must be hard for a “communist” to keep putting you in your place. No word about my “lies” regarding the anti-woman Holy Alliace. You’re no match for me.

              “But believe me in cases like you I am a masochist, hahaha!!!”

              You promised me that was going to be our little secret!

          • Bohdan ⋅

            And by the way Beetleurine, or is it Beetlepiss? If you did not understand me – as you have a real problem thinking logically or for that matter rationally and or sanely – it is YOU that is the real cause of the “pain in the ass” in my butt.

            In the meantime back to your beloved propaganda trash rags Russia Today and As it is they, and only they, that need you like (the proverbial hole) in the head.

            Until the next time comrade, ‘Chau’ (or however the Italians spell it.)

            • Beetlejuice ⋅

              “as you have a real problem thinking logically or for that matter rationally and or sanely”

              Read it again, little one. As usual I threw your bullshit back in your face, and once again all you can reply with is pouting like a little girl.

              “it is YOU that is the real cause of the “pain in the ass” in my butt.”

              You should’ve told me I was hurting you, I would’ve pulled it out.

              “In the meantime back to your beloved propaganda trash rags Russia Today and”

              Wow! Yahoo! News is Russia Today and all in one? And I always thought Yahoo! was an American internet corporation based in California.

              Bohdan, is your mom a weightlifter/bodybuilder? She must be to have raised such an enormous dumbell like you.

              • Bohdan ⋅

                Beetlevomit You have excelled most admirably, once again in the trash you dream up – is that because of the ‘weed’ you smoke or is it as a result of the brain damage you suffered through the beatings to your pin head that your mother, ‘ a woman of ill repute’ inflicted on you for being ‘soo’ dumb, even by her own subhuman standards.

                Come on comrade, spill your guts to me. I promise not to tell anyone.

                • Beetlejuice ⋅

                  “You have excelled most admirably, once again in the trash you dream up”

                  Thank you. Seeing how I’m always putting you in your place.

                  “is that because of the ‘weed’ you smoke or is it as a result of the brain damage you suffered through the beatings to your pin head that your mother”

                  Close, its from the ecstasy. Especially that last time I took it with my girlfriend and your girlfriend; ask her about it.

                  “a woman of ill repute’ inflicted on you for being ‘soo’ dumb, even by her own subhuman standards.”

                  Yeah, but she was still able to teach me to support my claims; something you can’t do to save your life.

                  “Come on comrade, spill your guts to me. I promise not to tell anyone.”

                  You already exposed our big secret. Try to keep up with yourself.

                  • Bohdan ⋅

                    Beetlevomit face the facts of life you communist reptile! your only STRONG POINT IS YOUR BLATANT AND LYING STUPIDITY.

                    Remember comrade that in legal parlance, if you are aware or know of a crime and don’t report it to the police, then you are guilty as an accessory to that crime! Hence you and your fellow reptile ManTurd are judged guilty of the crime that the communists perpetrated on those ten’s of millions of innocent comrades by your beloved communist murderer’s in the NKVD.

                    Nowadays your beloved Putin has opposition critics of him murdered to ensure their silence and as a warning to any other critics to desist from telling/writing the truth about his evil modus operandi!

                    • Beetlejuice ⋅

                      Blah-blah-blah! Go on, just keep talking out of your ass.

                      Do me a favor: Define “Communist”.

  10. mingthemerciless ⋅

    Socialism Explained – Abbott & Costello Explain The Stimulus Plan of Barry O’Bummer, BeetleVomit LaVey and MonFreddie Pissette Molle:

  11. Vittorio Ferretti ⋅

    To say that the Earth orbits around the Sun is a practical approximation. It is more correct to say that Sun and Earth orbit around their common center of mass (some 500 km from Sun’s center). This seems peanuts but in the case Sun vs. Jupiter the common center of mass lies 40,000 km outside Sun’s perimeter. See the animation in the Wikipedia entry
    Taking practical approximations as absolute truth causes much harm (most isms are based on that) and therefore I propose the slogan “Back to Ptolemaism”, to stay with residual complexity if that maintains the Human Individual at the center of valuation.

  12. anevinsa

    It is impossible that Gods only true rulers in Gods only true church can be corrupt. In America the OCA (Russian) and GOA (Greek) are the two largest EOC jurisdictions and neither one of them is corrupt and just like the ROC or GOC are not corrupt in their respective countries. There is no church systemic corruption problem that spread from Russia and Greece to the OCA and GOA here. Whether in Greece, Russia or America the EO are by their Gods only true truth the most ethical and moral churches in the world. By their exclusive ‘We are Gods only true church’ claim they are the most truthful, and therefore, the most transparent churches Christianity has ever seen.

    There is no church that can compare to Gods only true church. It is Gods standard of Gods only true truth measure that determines the spiritual state of Christians and churches not of them to determine how God right and true they are in comparison to Gods only true church. All Christians and churches not of them are found to be heresy Christians and churches practicing apostasy in comparison to them.

    If Gods only true church rulers in Gods only true church say something is so then God is saying it is so. If you disagree you are in rebellion to God and an authority problem in the church whose authority cannot be contradicted or questioned as God.

    Jesus Christ in the Gospels came to us a top down totalitarian authoritarian power and control structure of centralized hierarchical rule merged with the Roman dictatorship state as one. Christ and King state rule is how Christ came to rule! Christ came to rule as Putin and Krill rule! No question or doubt about it, the EOC is Gods only alone right and true structure of church rule on the planet.

    Christ even came to us dressed similar to how the EOC bishops, metropolitan’s and Patriarch’s dress and so that there would be no confusion between His dress and the dress of the Sanhedrin rulers. He didn’t want anyone to think he was one of the Sanhedrin by the true thinking and attitude they had in the way that they dressed. The Orthodox hierarchies see it the same.

    There is no church that can compare to the ROC accept possibly the GOC. Both are the role model of how Christ came to us in how He came to rule. Unlike all those other not Orthodox churches without Gods exclusive only true truth these two jurisdictions are not systemically corrupt, abusive or dying. They want all Christians not of them to convert to them and so they can be turned into who they are by their real world outcomes that tells us who they really are in their exclusive claim in viewpoint of themselves. It is obvious they are who they exclusively claim to be by just looking at them and then believing what they tell you they are. Truth of this Gods exclusive kind would never lie to you or it could not be who it exclusively claims to be. Both their state of church and the exclusive claim consistently line up proving they are how Christ came to us in Gospels just like they come to us in the western, rational and modern America. (Pay no attention to the fact that we the EO are anti western, rational, freedom of religion and modern by our theology, structure of rule and exclusive claim)

    If you disagree you are most likely a spiritually weak and fragile little woman or a heretic Christian who practices apostasy in comparison to Eastern Orthodoxy that by its exclusive claim cannot be heretic or practicing apostasy. Either way you simply don’t GET IT about how the EOC by its exclusive claim that cannot be wrong about itself in anyway. You are flat wrong if you believe there are no perfect Christians or churches. Only a Protestant apostate with suspect salvation would believe something like that. (There is only one Gods true salvation only found in Gods only true church.)

    There is simply no way that the exclusive claim of being Gods only true church when combined the Orthodox structure of rule as one that they could go systemically corrupt. The authoritarian structure and exclusive claim as one in unity would stop systemic corruption by their God given exclusive authority. The structure of rule with the exclusive claim make it impossible that the Orthodox church could ever be found systemically corrupt. They are both just too exclusively God right and true to turn the EOC into systemic corruption. Gods only true church is the most anti corruption church in existence and its real world outcome proves that in America, Greece and Russia.

    Exclusivity is the end of Eastern Orthodoxy in America.

Talk back to La Russophobe